Saturday, October 26, 2013

Purple Monochrome

Fitness is a very serious thing.The old trends of fitness being just for people into sports/body building/professions that require them to be in a certain way is a passe, nowadays I see every person trying to be fit. It has lot of benefits, my post is not going to be on it's can google it up. I have been into regular workout, for past 2 months, and though my journey is towards an athletic ME, I do wanna have it as a lifestyle, for I found few many benefits,that seem to stem along( I love them)

  1.  My little son wants to be fit, and does little workout himself (though he's skinny..I encourage)
  2.  I have more energy to do do my activities given the same 12 hr day.
  3. The best......My luuuurve for Le Clothes.... (yesssss!!!!)
  4. .Less sick/lethargic days.

Though I am just only on 5 % on my journey , I love the disappearing small flab's, and it's a WONDERFUL feeling to be energetic.
I have changed my lifestyle in general, along with my hubby who also jumped right in ( he was a fitness freak right from childhood,but not for past few years...IT LIFE....Maaaan!!!!! ). Edited my food plans, and every day is a new challenge for me, I love to work it up.It's pretty empowering that way. And since I am progressively making it a lifestyle change, I don't want to loathe the idea of working out even after attaining my goal.
I have another blog which I update seldom on certain moods ( will do more, as I gain more energy prioritizing tasks ),to help me unite with people who share similar thoughts on fitness.
So today I hopped along my way to purchasing  some stuff for my fitness (A ball and some weights) I got my outfit clicked, and I wore it sporty casual, coz I had to workout right after coming back..but but but guess what !!!! ( I ended up shopping for a shoe..bcoz of an ongoing sale....hmmmm...a post about fitness and here I am showcasing my temptations....Us Girls......remain ....girls : p )

The t-shirt is an ombre tee with the pink on the collars and fades to a white , but the night mode pic disabled the colours, rendering it white.The blurriness is evident in more than 1 pic, but i just uploaded them anyways.I have a bareface with just lipgloss on.

T-shirt - Lulu's
Purple jegging - Dragon Mart
Purple Cardigan - MAX
Sling Bag - ADIDAS
Running shoes - NIKE

Stay positive and focused on your life, achieve your goals,take your own time,but never stop trying !


  1. Hi Rakhi,
    I like your purple jeggings. It is definitely a motivation for a person like me to workout regularly.:-)

    1. Thank you Vaidehi, you know what, if you really feel like it, you should definitely get onto it,nothing feels so good as to a workout,coz it's all free, and the benefits are something much better than a plastic surgery. Go girl !!! You can do it. :)

  2. HI Rakhii
    Thanks for kind and appreceating words for me..and thanks for visitng my blog..
    Wasse aapka blog bhi superb hai..and ur snaps are good..thanks for sharing..

    1. Thank you Bhavikk. Wishing you & your family a happy ,blessed Diwali too !!!
