Sunday, October 30, 2011

Diwali the festival of "Lights"

It was our second Diwali here. We lit the beautiful diyas. Our friendly neighbour dropped in with sweets and lovely wishes. And we had some fun with our kids playing around with sparklers. It was cute. They were running around merrily.
           Missed India loads during the deepavali times.

Our neighbour had decorated her diyas beautifully with some flowers. It was very pretty. I had to capture the cute display in my cam.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Starting my work outs Again

I tried my TURBO JAM intense workout, woah! it was great. I always thought aerobics was not so tough as much as dancing...but oh...i was all wrong. It was not easy, i was unable to keep up with the pace for some of the intense steps, and sprained my tummy a little...but i was able to complete it within 45 minutes ending with TAI CHI....
Am lovin it.... :)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

IPhone 4

My hubby just got me the new Iphone 4. I was not a great fan of the Apple series and thought that it was just another stuff like the Ipad series, with just the brand hype and not much to do.
Well i guess i was wrong. It is so COOOOOOOOOOL
Just awesome.
The black & White Leopard print skin is so sexy, just what i needed.
LOve Him.....