Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Festivities and Fall Seeping In : Red Tank as Skirt

The best part of the year is definitely after august, had I been in India it would be the rains, followed by the cool winters, we have moderate climate down south,as it's a coastal area, Being in Dubai, the autumn just crept up slowly, with temperatures dropping down to 28-26{from the scorching 40's}, and soon, as it keeps dropping, i get to layer dresses(yup yup ).But don't even get me started on the mountains of laundry and folding i gotta do , with this interest of mine, well hehe...I love my clothes too much that i'd not try to  feel lazy and dress repetitively than dynamically.
 I don't know why, i love the winters more than the summer, and the rainy seasons the most. Maybe since i hail from the humid city, winters have never really been a part of experience, ever since i shifted from bangalore( Oh I miss b'lore for the climate), but Dubai compensates for it with 6 months of chilly to cool days (happy me)
I secretly even long playing with snow( which I have never done.... Paris is my dream visit) .{Hubby dear... you READING this ,wink ;-) }
As I look forward to the transition in climate and my body (regular readers know i am on a weight-reduction journey), i bring you the last of my summer wear.
   Here I used my red tank top as a skirt, and loved it....check it out and lemme know what you think.

Top - Lulu's
Tank Top(used as skirt) - Naidu Hall - India
Footwear - COCO's


  1. Thanks for visiting my blog Rakhi! It's always nice to hear from a fellow fashion blogger.
    I am loving this look of yours, especially the skirt with the interesting hem detail. Let me know if you want to follow each other :)

  2. Thank you for your compliments.You made my day :)
    And Ashwini I am already following you via Bloglovin, and it would be lovely if you'd like to follow me too :)

  3. Hi,
    Thanks for visiting my blog !! You look beautiful.
