Saturday, October 26, 2013

Purple Monochrome

Fitness is a very serious thing.The old trends of fitness being just for people into sports/body building/professions that require them to be in a certain way is a passe, nowadays I see every person trying to be fit. It has lot of benefits, my post is not going to be on it's can google it up. I have been into regular workout, for past 2 months, and though my journey is towards an athletic ME, I do wanna have it as a lifestyle, for I found few many benefits,that seem to stem along( I love them)

  1.  My little son wants to be fit, and does little workout himself (though he's skinny..I encourage)
  2.  I have more energy to do do my activities given the same 12 hr day.
  3. The best......My luuuurve for Le Clothes.... (yesssss!!!!)
  4. .Less sick/lethargic days.

Though I am just only on 5 % on my journey , I love the disappearing small flab's, and it's a WONDERFUL feeling to be energetic.
I have changed my lifestyle in general, along with my hubby who also jumped right in ( he was a fitness freak right from childhood,but not for past few years...IT LIFE....Maaaan!!!!! ). Edited my food plans, and every day is a new challenge for me, I love to work it up.It's pretty empowering that way. And since I am progressively making it a lifestyle change, I don't want to loathe the idea of working out even after attaining my goal.
I have another blog which I update seldom on certain moods ( will do more, as I gain more energy prioritizing tasks ),to help me unite with people who share similar thoughts on fitness.
So today I hopped along my way to purchasing  some stuff for my fitness (A ball and some weights) I got my outfit clicked, and I wore it sporty casual, coz I had to workout right after coming back..but but but guess what !!!! ( I ended up shopping for a shoe..bcoz of an ongoing sale....hmmmm...a post about fitness and here I am showcasing my temptations....Us Girls......remain ....girls : p )

The t-shirt is an ombre tee with the pink on the collars and fades to a white , but the night mode pic disabled the colours, rendering it white.The blurriness is evident in more than 1 pic, but i just uploaded them anyways.I have a bareface with just lipgloss on.

T-shirt - Lulu's
Purple jegging - Dragon Mart
Purple Cardigan - MAX
Sling Bag - ADIDAS
Running shoes - NIKE

Stay positive and focused on your life, achieve your goals,take your own time,but never stop trying !

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Festivities and Fall Seeping In : Red Tank as Skirt

The best part of the year is definitely after august, had I been in India it would be the rains, followed by the cool winters, we have moderate climate down south,as it's a coastal area, Being in Dubai, the autumn just crept up slowly, with temperatures dropping down to 28-26{from the scorching 40's}, and soon, as it keeps dropping, i get to layer dresses(yup yup ).But don't even get me started on the mountains of laundry and folding i gotta do , with this interest of mine, well hehe...I love my clothes too much that i'd not try to  feel lazy and dress repetitively than dynamically.
 I don't know why, i love the winters more than the summer, and the rainy seasons the most. Maybe since i hail from the humid city, winters have never really been a part of experience, ever since i shifted from bangalore( Oh I miss b'lore for the climate), but Dubai compensates for it with 6 months of chilly to cool days (happy me)
I secretly even long playing with snow( which I have never done.... Paris is my dream visit) .{Hubby dear... you READING this ,wink ;-) }
As I look forward to the transition in climate and my body (regular readers know i am on a weight-reduction journey), i bring you the last of my summer wear.
   Here I used my red tank top as a skirt, and loved it....check it out and lemme know what you think.

Top - Lulu's
Tank Top(used as skirt) - Naidu Hall - India
Footwear - COCO's

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Peplum Top And Gravity

It was a mood to watch a movie, and having just 2 more days for the Eid holidays to get over.We planned up to watch the movie - "GRAVITY" starring Sandra Bullock. It was after a long time, I heard her name for a big banner after speed. And I thought it was all an emotional ride with some thrills spilled on. Though the start was bit too slow...the movie paced up to certain mind blowing scenes.
It was worth till the END...yup, sure does. And the other thing that cropped up in my mind was, as we sit here thinking , that only soldiers were the only ones, who stayed away from family,with the toughest of jobs,risking their lives, and that Astronauts, have a blast flying weightless in their suits, this movie just shows, how scary it just could get. Even the minuscule details along with captivating enactment from Sandra, seemed on the dot.
Really a good watch !!!
And as for Sandra Bullock, I have no words to describe how fit and young she looked despite being 49(can you believe that ), me and hubby are always introspecting at how we keep aging,while the actors whom we admired in our school days seem to have an elixir of youth.
Of course it's their profession et all to look good, but does the same logic happen back home, nope,especially not in the south,where we hardly recognize the yesteryear heroines.It's laudable, how these western actors maintain their physique immaterial of regularity of their jobs.
Damn!!!!  you Sandra , you have made me intensify my workout regimen {wink}

Peplum Top - Centrepoint
Pants - H&M
Shrug - MAX
Nude Pump - Splash

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Eid Outing to Mall Of Emirates

We have over a week's holiday, and my little bunny is having a blast all time with his tablet PC, while my hubby is busy clicking away his new laptop. It's quite a scene if you ever watch us...coz all three of us will be on bed, each engrossed with their own activity with their respective laptop/tablet PC. Thank God ! I have some house work to do in between, or god knows somebody would have to tear me apart from my bed and laptop.
But on a serious note, I only do my lappy thingy..when I am free, and having software engineering as my background, computers has been my world past 15 yrs....I go berserk a day without it...I guess most of us are internet/computer addicts, given the kind of computer age we live in.

Enough jabbered, point is we visited Mall Of Emirates, and I wore this 3/4th pants with a printed tee.Oh ! and i matched my son's outfit with mine, when my husband too pitched in (sweet :D )

I know i slouch a lot :(

Blue tee - Max
Cardigan - Max
Sandal - Aldo
Pants - Lulu's

Monday, October 14, 2013

Black dress - No nonsense talks

Have you ever been/met somebody who goes yadda yadda on how they are great achievers, and how they have the Midas touch, that they make you feel like you have met an Angel ,who might just might show you the light of salvation, people who promise, talk wise, swear by things/(family & children included). And how they have an opinion of how you could have been better of, etc....Well they are the should be vary of and cautious. They are the SMOOTH TALKERS, they just can get their way through anything and everything, and mind you, they are just about doing that with you, with NO intentions of helping you,or perhaps they have something to gain from you.
   Then we have another set of people, who might not seem so great to talk to, people who might point at your faults, or maybe you quite often feel they aren't appreciating, or rather they seem to have an inability to not see how great you are,they are helpful, yet criticize, mostly Parents fall here.We feel they are full of advice's,pinpointing faults and always asking us to be Disciplined,Punctual,Religious,Respectful,Pious,Strong,etc etc......(Oh Maaaan!!!! I wish I was still a baby)
But that's what is RIGHT. These are the people you should heed to.Now don't get me wrong ,into thinking that all those who bitch/complain about you,are helpers, but you can judge easily,Coz the real people help you when you fall,even when you commit a mistake after their much ignored warnings, whereas the smooth talkers, just stand there and watch you....laugh/mock/pity at your condition and walk away with contentment and head held high, (they feel they are god's to have judged your downfall )
Yes we meet all characters in life, and it's best to stay away from these specimens who might just be a wolf in disguise. And remember, heed to your parents,brothers and sisters, and all the wonderful people who stick by you through thick and thin. They may not be the ones who praise you day and night,they may make you feel you have  not worked harder,better,stronger,But believe me.....they love you TRUE.

Dress - MAX
Cardigan(red & purple) -LuLu's
Pump - Paprika
Ankle Belt - nothing but a watch strap
Bracelet - Centrepoint

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Green chevron Tee

I am on spirits of focus for past so many days. Focus on what you ask, well,will let you know about it when i am there . Life actually has changed for better. I understand , it's work, work , work, work.....{what??} no ..ooops...I didn't mean that we all should be a workaholic to be content, but it's an aftermath of monotonous listening to WORK BITCH.....Oh how I love Britney.....the queen.
    She did have her set of struggles...but BA-MM!!! she's right back, and in your face. Ahem! Oh my! justin is awesome too(wink he's cute) ...but being a woman, and seeing Britney go through all those hardships, just has me wanting something good for her.
I am a pop,house and dance music kinda gal, and when week-end hits, I am all about listening to songs and dancing to the grove , even @ home. And talking about music, it has the soul to evoke any response from all living beings alike.My dog used to have the best darn sleep, when i play music,when i guard my home(talk about pets these days, have they way! ).Music is my way of distressing, partying,working out,eating,cooking,BROWSING, Studying(have any of u done that ?), bathing.....phew....even sleeping, wonder when I am gonna turn deaf.
    But hey...with a hubby who shares the same interests as mine, and my little bunny growing up like us, it's a musical living.....I mean it..haha...

Here's  moi outfit.....check em... { and I made natural hair curls sans heat with wet braids }

Green tee -  Lulu
Black tights - Lulu
Wedges - ALDO

Have a beautiful and an awesome week. See you with another post soon.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Little Black dress , Be Responsible

Being responsible is a word of multi-facet. Crossing into an age, where I see myself having picked up lessons of life, seem to be just as empowering as morose I feel, coz  mistakes have been a part of my life, just like everyone, and I am not wise like others to learn from others mistake{adament}.Donno what drives me to jump into the fire thinking I have an ice shield{I was pampered by moi parents}. But all along I have tried to learn only from mistakes, but motherhood has made me wiser,patient and bearing.
Now it's all about being responsible for my actions...oh well..remember the facebook statuses of friends.....moaning and ranting about how...the "WHO" had crumbled their "LIFE"...come on ya'll, why should it be so. I was not smart like this ...during my teens..and I used to have the blame game going on, until I found, defending is what causes loads of other aggravation, and we might end up hurting ourselves. Think straight, maybe the other is right, maybe not, and if so,give a DAMN about the blames, and keep your head staright and walk[now don't go on a marchpast}, but always LISTEN, LISTEN....will you....It's wise to learn from others mistakes, true true....Lesson for life.
And if need be, never ever put up your emotional side as a status on facebook, especially people who play the good for nothing virtual time killers called "FARMVILLE", "MAFIA WARS"  etc etc .... games, coz they need to add n number of friends to progress each stage , and guess what you might have a wolf hiding out in a fake account, ready to utilize your emotions to their benefits.
         Learn from your life, fight it out, the best solution is only to fight it out with the pain inducer(YOU or HER/HIM), never with the world. Nobody understand your pains better than you, cry it out, pain is good, coz without pain, you would just never be a human who evolves, but a mechanical robot that breaks at the slightest malfunction.
     Get on your feet and get going. Nothing and nobody can stop your life from being splendid. It's just you, you alone......SO Be AWESOME!!!!
Let's get to the outfit post shall we

Friday, October 4, 2013

Half Saree Woes

It was last week-day(Gulf week days are from Sunday to Monday), and I always have a relaxed feel towards that time.
1.No waking up early and running around.
2.Time for some music and dance groove.
Generally I dress up chic or party/groovy kind.But today I wanted something Desi(country-Indian ) style. So first up on my mind was to dress up in a long skirt,matching blouse and dance for "Sheela ki jawani " kind of masala songs, but as i put on my accessories,blouse etc..I don't know what happened, i rather ended up looking traditional in a Half Saree. Half-saree is more of southern Indian wear, and i fancied it during my childhood, and today I was IT.
I was skeptical at first , but both my beau and sonny were praises, and so I asked my hub's to shoot some pics...and POOF("He disappeared...he was in no mood,after office."). Then poor me asked my ever enthusiastic son, and I know- he knows nothing of photography..but he was clicking away the camera...@ a speed of 5 clicks per second (he was doing it like as if he was  in a sinking ship caught in a storm.)
Result:- utterly blurry images , but I am always a proud dearest as always TRIED....pat pat.
Rest were self close shots.So here are the pictures by me ...

 Skirt - India (Pantaloons)
Blouse - Stitched
Bangles - Pondy Bazaar
Ear rings - GRT Gold (Heart collection)

Have a happy week end