Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My First Leibster Award

I was actually on the low, having a temperature and extremely tired, drooling from every hole on my face with sinus and stuff{Gross i know} when i was welcomed with a happy notification, from a fellow blogger SRIJAN BHARDWAJ blogging by the name Echoes Of My Whispers! who nominated me for the Leibster Award!Yaaaayyyy

Now lemme do the happy dance before I explain it.

Now for those who don't know what a Leibster Award is

And the rules after receiving the award to be followed are:-

Some places on web, state 11 facts and some n random facts,so i played it safe by putting 5 random facts about myself

Random Facts 
  1. I am completely obsessed with gaming, I used to play video games for hours together in college(Heretic,Quake,Croc,Road Rash)
  2. My wardrobe consists 90% of black outfits.
  3. Black and white are my favorite colours( but not my world :P )
  4. I don't watch any TV serials.
  5. I have an obsession for shoes, and I am trying to collect as many as I can, much to the chagrin of my hubby. :P

Now on to the questions that have been passed on to me by Srijan Bhardwaj

1. Why did you start blogging?
I had keen interest in dressing up, wearing clothes,shoe,anything that meant to look good,though my forte is software engineering I am more passionate about fashion, and blogging was my vent to showcase it.

2. Your best habit!
I am good at pursuing{Read STUBBORN} something that I badly need,and not get negated by the failures.

3. What makes you unique from others?
I have a good memory of my past, and I am more of an emotional person,so I find myself empathizing a lot more than how others would do to the exact situation,call it a boon or a bane, i have experienced both.

4. Your favorite movies?
Cast-away, Lord Of The Rings Trilogy, In Pursuit Of Happyness, Terminator 2 

5. Action or romance?
Both, and it depends on how the story goes, i used to be a romantic movie watcher as a child but grew up to watching action ones,because they seemed to have an emotional touch too, Like Tony Jaa movies, Jackie movies..etc

6. 3 deep buried secrets! ;)
Now why would I share my secrets out here, and If I did so, it can't be called a secret ,would it !! {haha}

7. The person you love the most?
I love my family,my husband,son,mom,brother,can't single out anybody, everybody make the different fingers of my palm of life.

8. Your idol?
I don't believe in idolizing, i admire each individual for their respective traits.

9. School or college?
College(During my post graduation)- Coz that's when I socialized more, I met some amazing friends, and I also got to study along with my lover(my hubby)

10. The most mischievous act you have done?
There are few from my childhood,but the most recent one(not so recent , but year 2007)Oh...it's silly and ridiculous when I think of it now, it was after marriage and I was frustrated over something with my hubby, and he just walked away from a conversation and left me fuming, and I wanted to burst out, and I found his Dell XPS laptop, he always used to stick the X in it's place, as it always kept falling off, and I just took it off again furiated, so that he takes trouble sticking it again( how silly i thought that would make him angry,and curb my ego of an undone speech) ....and when I told him what i had done after few days , he had a good laugh at my childishness..and So did I :P :P.
 Now I am wondering ,the question should have been silliest acts,but anyways,I don't have any mischievous and interesting incident worth quoting.

11. What does this award means to you?
I love this award, well, this is my first award as a blogger and secondly , I see this award  as an incentive for giving upcoming bloggers a gentle push.Thank you Srijan for bestowing this award, I was just elated to receive it.Now that I had my share of Fame....I pass it on to my fellow bloggers.

Here's my list in no particular order

1.vaidehi ( A New Begining )

3.Preethi venugopal ( http://tulipsandme.blogspot.in/ )

4.Madhusudhan Mahawar ( http://www.meapoet.in/ )

6.Aditi - ( So Saree

8.Vimala Ramu ( http://www.vramu.in/ )

10.Anulekha and Arushika The Sister Act )

11.Aashish sahni - konnectingu (www.konnectingu.com)

And now my questions for you are :-
  1. What's the philosophy/motto you live by?
  2. Any pet peeves?
  3. Do you have any dream goals that are yet to be achieved?
  4. Do you believe in ghosts/UFO's/supernatural phenomenons?
  5. The most unforgettable incident in life.
  6. Any OCD?
  7. Your definition of "Happiness".
  8. Any secret celebrity crush? If so who?
  9. Any feat(small/big) you achieved in life, which you never thought was possible?
  10. Your daily inspiration?
  11. Share a funny incident from your life.
And this award is for all whom I nominated. Congrats, I chose you all for a reason and it wasn't a random act to just pass on the award, spread the love to those whom you think deserve it.

H A P P Y     B L O G G I N G !!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Indrani, you know what, I had checked up on you and found you had 500+ followers, so I couldn't include you, otherwise it's fun, to have and answer these questionnaires.:)

  2. Hi Rakhi,
    Congratulations for your award.Thank you so much Sweety for your nomination.I am really honored.

    1. Thank you, now it's your turn to pass on,and the fun part,answering the questions.:)
